March, 2024

The group presents their research at the annual Miller Symposium, winning several awards!

May, 2023

The group presents their research at the West CXoast Theoretical Chemistry Conference.


April, 2023

The group presents their research at the annual Miller Symposium, winning several awards!


August, 2020

Alumnus Osvaldo is chosen as one of C&EN's Talented Twelve!


July, 2020

Alumnus Osvaldo wins a big grant to fund his group's research!


November, 2019

Amy and Croix attended the Bay Area Chemistry Symposium while Dean attended the 27th Conference on Current Trends in Computational Chemistry (CCTCC) in Mississippi.


September, 2019

Hoby returned to UCD to present as part of SAC ACS's "Flavors of Chemistry" event.


June, 2019

Gil joins the group as a graduate student.


May, 2019

Innes and Tiffy presented their 3rd-year seminars.


March, 2019

Innes and Croix presented a poster at the annual Miller Symposium.


January, 2019

Zhitao, Volga, Phil and Shunyang join the group as graduate students.


July, 2018

Nina presented a poster on her research at the 24th ICPOC in Faro, Portugal.


June, 2018

Dean and group mascot Chris attended the Reaction Mechanisms Conference at UBC in Vancouver.


June, 2018

Arturo presented his research at the annual Richard Larock Undergraduate Research Conference.


June, 2018

Amy joins the group as a graduate student.


May, 2018

Dean attended a celebration of Ken Houk in Shenzhen China (one of many Houk celebrations this year!).


April, 2018

Arturo presented a poster on his research at the annual UCD Undergraduate Research, Scholarship & Creative Activities Conference.

March, 2018

Stephanie co-organized a symposium on preventing sexual harassment at the ACS National Meeting.


March, 2018

The group presented posters at the annual Miller Symposium.


January, 2018

Nina is invited back to her alma mater to give a seminar!


January, 2018

A subset of the group visits Bristol, UK to witness the kick-off of Barry Carpenter's exciting CHAMPS project. Group alumnus Nick was also there, as was Dan Singleton.


January, 2018

After years of lurking in the halls, Croix finally joins the group as a graduate student.


September, 2017

Terry and Nina present at UCD's Chem Bio Training Program retreat.


September, 2017

Dean participates in UCLA's Chem Bio Interface Day.


July, 2017

Dean presents at the IUPAC meeting in Brazil, where he sees group alumnus Renan.


June, 2017

The group participates in the National Organic Symposium at UCD, co-hosted by Dean.


May, 2017

The group takes a trip to uOttawa to visit with the Gagosz research group.


April, 2017

Various group members present posters at the 17th R Bryan Miller Symposium and Stephanie receives the Miller Graduate Fellowship.

January, 2017

Dean starts as an Associate Editor for ACS Omega.


January, 2017

Innes and Tiffy join the group as graduate students.


September, 2016

Carla joins the group as a graduate student.


September, 2016

Dean returns from a fantastic conference in Hiroshima, Japan - the 27th Sympoisum on Physical Organic Chemistry - hosted by Manabu Abe.


August, 2016

Dean returns from a very short stint at the ACS National Meeting in Philadelphia where he spoke at a symposium in honor of Jeff Johnson and Bruce Lipshutz, winners of JOC and OL best paper awards.


August, 2016

The group takes a roadtrip to Oregon State to visit with the Cheong research group. Mayhem ensues on Paul and Dean's Excellent Adventure.


July, 2016

Dean returns from a 3 week trip to Australia where he lectured at U. Queensland, Austrailian National University, the ICPOC23 and Heron7 conferences, and to random animals and dropping pitch.


June, 2016

Hoby is the featured speaker at the MPS graduation ceremony.


June, 2016

Brandi receives the "UC Davis Allen G. Marr Prize for superior dissertation research."


April, 2016

Various group members present posters at the 16th R Bryan Miller Symposium and Nhu receives the Miller Graduate Fellowship.


March, 2016

Many group members present talks and/or posters at the ACS National Meeting in San Diego.


March, 2016

Hoby runs another successful Chemistry Camp!


March, 2016

Stephanie and Stephen present a poster advertising ADSE at our grad student recruiting weekend.


February, 2016

Osvaldo accepts a faculty position at the University of Maryland!


December, 2015

Brandi presents a poster on her collaborative work with Keiji Morokuma at Pacifichem.


November, 2015

Dean hosts a symposium in honor of his grad advisor Ken Houk as part of the ACS Western Regional Meeting (L to R: Dan O'Leary, Noah Burns, Sharon Neufeldt, Mike Barterger, Ohyun Kwon, Paul Cheong, Jason Hein, Ken Houk, Chris Vaderwal, Dean, Dan Little, Vy Dong, Dennis Doughtery; not pictured: Justin Siegel). At the symposium, Teresa receives her travel award from the ACS Sacramento section!


October, 2015

One of our 3D-printed molecular models makes an appearance at a real-life art show! Thanks, Nhu, Philipp and Philipp's artist friend Tim!


October, 2015

Walking in the Woods with Chemistry opens at the UCD Arboretum.


May, 2015

Terry presented his 3rd-Year Seminar, full of struts.


May, 2015

Paul presented on his research at the annual Larock Symposium.


March, 2015

The group presented posters at the annual Miller Symposium.


January, 2015

Brandi and Nhu presented their 3rd-Year Seminars.


January, 2015

Nina joins the group as a graduate student.


October, 2014

Nhu presented some of her and Dean's artwork at UCD's Art of Science event.


September, 2014

Dean attended the SMASH (Small Molecules Are Still Hot) NMR conference in Atlanta. He and Alexei Buevich from Merck (below) ran a workshop on computing chemical shifts and coupling constants.


July, 2014

Most group members present talks and/or posters at the ACS National Meeting in San Francisco.


July, 2014

Dean gives a talk at the 2nd International Conference on Chemical Bonding in Kauai.


July, 2014

The Cake Lady completes her deliveries.


July, 2014

Dean joins several UCD faculty for a visit to Pontificia Universidad Catolica De Chile (the "UC" of the Southern Hemisphere).


June, 2014

Dean receives his Soaring to New Heights Award.


May, 2014

Kate presents her research at the annual Larock Conference.


March, 2014

The group moves into our new lab space!


March, 2014

Ryan, Nhu and Hoby present posters on their research at the 2014 R. Bryan Miller Symposium.


March, 2014

Hoby is selected to participate in UC Davis' 2014-2015 Professors for the Future program.


January, 2014

Alumna Selina is featured on TVBS in Taiwan.


January, 2014

Stephanie and Troy join the group as graduate students.


December, 2013

Hoby is featured on a "One UC Davis" banner on campus.


August, 2013

Emma presents her REU work.


August, 2013

Alumna Selina is featured on Capital Public Radio.


June, 2013

Brandi and Jason present posters describing their research at the 43rd National Organic Symposium at the University of Washington. Simultaneously, Terry presents a poster on his research at the Physical Organic Chemistry Gordon Conference in Holderness, NH.


May, 2013

Dean returns from a month in Asia, where he taught Pharmaceutical Chemistry in Taipei, Taiwan as part of UCD's quarter abroad program and attended a conference in Shenzhen, China in honor of four famous chemists all born on February 27 - Ken Houk, Bob Grubbs, Paul Schleyer and Don Truhlar.


March, 2013

Ken Houk (Dean's PhD advisor) is the Plenary Speaker at the 2013 R. Bryan Miller Symposium! Teresa, Ryan, Brandi and Hoby also present posters on their research. Some pictures:


January, 2013

Brandi and Nhu join the group as graduate students.


December, 2012

Alumna Selina testifies before the US International Trade Commission and is part of an NPR report.


September, 2012

Alumna Selina is quoted in The Washington Post.


July, 2012

Alumna Selina's work is highlighted inThe Davis Enterprise.


May, 2012

Alumna Selina (right, below), along with Dan Flynn (Executive Director of UC Davis Olive Center; center below) and current group members Ryan (left below), Jason and Mike, join Hoby (right, below) at his second annual California Chemistry Camp.


April, 2012

Diana, Stephanie and Walter present lectures on their research at UCD's 23rd Annual Conference on Undergraduate Research, Scholarship and Creative Activities under the watchful eye of Jason.


April, 2012

Alumna Selina is profiled inThe Olive Oil Source.


February, 2012

Alumna Selina's work on the chemistry of olive oil is featured in The Olive Oil Times and The Olive Oil Source.


January, 2012

Osvaldo wins a UC MEXUS dissertation grant and Dean is chosen as the 2012 Natural Product Reports lecturer.


January, 2012

Hoby, Ryan and Teresa join the group as graduate students.


December, 2011

Jason presents a poster on his research at the Quitel 2011 Conference (XXXVII Congress of Theoretical Chemists of Latin Expression) in Mexico.


November, 2011

Selina writes an editorial for the C&EN blog.


November, 2011

Dean attends the National Academy of Sciences' multidisciplinary Kavli Frontiers in Science Symposium, which makes him a 2011 "Kavli Fellow," and leads a session on "Molecules that Should Not Exist."


July, 2011

Hoby, Jason and Chris run the Chemistry portion of the National Federation of the Blind Youth Slam.


June, 2011

Osvaldo presents a poster on his research at the 2011 Gordon Conference on Physical Organic Chemistry.


June, 2011

Hoby wins the 2011 "Learning Ally National Achievement Award"


June, 2011

Hoby receives several academic awards and Phil and Lisa both receive departmental teaching awards.


May, 2011

Hoby presents a lecture on his research at UCD's 2011 Richard Larock Undergraduate Research Conference.


May, 2011

Dean returns from his first ever TERPNET meeting, held this year in Sweden.


May, 2011

Hoby is interviewed by KQED.


May, 2011

Dean receives a Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching Award from the Academic Senate.


May, 2011

Dean returns from a month of teaching in the Pharmaceutical Chemistry Quarrter Abroad program at Academia Sinica Taipei and a few days visiting Peking University (PKU) in Beijing.


March, 2011

Phil wins the "Best Poster Award" at the 2011 R. Bryan Miller Symposium!


February, 2011

Dean attends the Mesilla Chemistry Workshop on Aromatic Interactions in Chemistry and Biology where his PhD advisor - Ken Houk - is presented with a T-shirt sporting the image shown below - designed by Dean and UC Davis colleague Gang-yu Liu.


January, 2011

Lisa and Sharlene join the group.


December, 2010

Dean visits Taiwan for a bilateral conference between UC Davis and Academia Sinica on Chemical Biology.


November, 2010

Osvaldo and Jason attend the SC10 conference on supercomputing in New Orleans.


November, 2010

Dean attends the National Academy of Sciences' multidisciplinary Kavli Frontiers in Science conference, which makes him a 2010 "Kavli Fellow."


August, 2010

Dean, Hoby and Chris attend the 9th MERCURY conference on undergraduate research in computational chemistry, where they present on their research on terpene biosynthesis, hydration propensities, and approaches to making computational chemistry accessible to blind chemists.


July, 2010

Alumna Selina's research on extra virgin olive oil hits the news! Click here for an article that mentions her by name!


June-July, 2010

Jason visits our collaborators in Russia and presents a lecture on our NMR research at the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Condensed Matter International Symposium and Summer School, held in St. Petersburg.


June, 2010

Jason , Osvaldo and Hoby present posters on their research at the 33rd Reaction Mechanisms Conference in Amherst, MA. Dean, Chris and Sarah were also in attendance.


June, 2010

Mike wins a "Math & Physical Sciences Dean's Graduate Student Prize" in recognition of his "record of outstanding undergraduate teaching and scholarly achievement." His name will be engraved on a plaque in the MPS Dean's Office!


June, 2010

Hoby and Mike both win departmental research awards supported by pharmaceutical companies: Schering-Plough and NovaBay, respectively.


May, 2010

Dean's postdoctoral advisor, Roald Hoffmann, visits the department as the 2010 Student Invited Speaker.


May, 2010

Hoby presents lectures on his research at UCD's 21st Annual Conference on Undergraduate Research, Scholarship and Creative Activities, the 22nd Annual Northern California ACS Undergraduate Research Symposium, and UCD's 2010 Richard Larock Undergraduate Research Conference.


April, 2010

Hoby wins the 2010 "R. B. Miller Award for Undergraduate Research" and the award is presented at the 2010 R. B. Miller Symposium.


March, 2010

Most group members present talks or posters on their research at the ACS National Meeting in San Francisco.


January, 2010

Osvaldo joins the group.


October, 2009

Pradeep returns to campus to discuss his current job as a patent agent in Mark Kurth's "Careers in Chemistry" course.


July, 2009

A variety of group members present posters describing their research at the SYLICCO.09 Symposium.


June, 2009

Matt and Becky present posters describing their research at the 41st National Organic Symposium at the University of Colorado.


May, 2009

Victor presents a lecture at the 2009 Richard Larock Undergraduate Research Conference and wins the award for Best Presentation.


March, 2009

Mike wins the 2009 "R. B. Miller Fellowship for Excellence in Chemistry" and the award is presented at the 2009 R. B. Miller Symposium.

Becky and Mike also present posters at the Miller Poster Session.


January, 2009

Handeep, Jason and Morgan join the group.


September, 2008

Selina and Dan file their dissertations!


September, 2008

Matt wins a prestigious "ACS Division of Organic Chemistry Graduate Fellowship".


July, 2008

Selina gives an invited talk at National Chung Hsing University in Taiwan on her many research projects.


July, 2008

Matt presents a poster on his "transition state complexation" work at the Gordon Research Conference on Organometallic Chemistry in Rhode Island. Can you find him in the picture below?


July, 2008

Chris returns to the East.


June, 2008

Phil joins the group.


June, 2008

Chris presents a poster and gives a talk on his research at the 32nd Reaction Mechanisms Conference in North Carolina.


March, 2008

Dan presents a poster describing his research on noncovalent interactions in terpene biosynthesis at UCD's 2008 R. B Miller Symposium, for which Dean is a co-organizer.


January, 2008

Chris, our visiting scholar, arrives for a six month stay.


December, 2007

Dustin files his dissertation!


October, 2007

Dan presents a poster describing his research on taxol biosynthesis at the 41st Western Regional Meeting of the ACS in San Diego.

August, 2007

Christine joins the group.


July, 2007

A variety of group members present posters describing their research at he SYLICCO.07 Symposium.


June, 2007

Selina presents a poster describing her research on metal-promoted pericyclic reactions at the 40th National Organic Symposium at Duke University.


June, 2007

Mike's outstanding teaching is recognized through a departmental teaching award.


June, 2007

Greg wins UCD's prestigious "Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Undergraduate Research".


May, 2007

Victor joins the group.


May, 2007

Greg presents a lecture on his research at UCD's first Richard C. Larock Symposium on Undergraduate Research.


April, 2007

Dean wins the 2007 Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry Award for Early Excellence in the Field of Physical Organic Chemistry.


April, 2007

Greg presents a poster and a lecture on his research at, respectively, the National Undergraduate Research Conference and UCD's 18th Annual Conference on Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities.


March, 2007

Selina wins the 2007 "R. B. Miller Fellowship for Excellence in Chemistry", and the award is presented at the 2007 R. B. Miller Symposium.

This year's keynote speaker was Ron Breslow (front row with Francesca Miller; back row: Jackie Gervay-Hague, Sundeep Dugar, Arthur Wellman, Keith Woerpel, Winston Ko, Dean, Neil Schore, Carlos Guiterrez, Cheryl Grice, David Floyd, Xi Chen, Dinesh Patel).


January, 2007

Rebecca officially joins the group.


October, 2006

Melissa joins the group.


September, 2006

Selina, Dustin, Mike, Dan, Greg, Matt, and Young all present posters at the ACS National Meeting in San Francisco.

Here they pose with Dean's graduate advisor, Ken Houk...


July, 2006

Rebecca Davis joins the group for the summer as part of the Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate program.


April, 2006

Greg presents a talk describing his research at UCD's 17th Annual Conference on Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities.


March, 2006

Dan sets up our new webserver and our webspace becomes "".


March, 2006

Dean (yes, he's the short one) participates in the R. B. Miller Symposium, at which UCD launches a new pharmaceutical chemistry program.


February, 2006

Selina and Dustin present posters describing their research as part of the Chemistry Department's annual Bradford Borge Weekend festivities.


January, 2006

Matt and Mike join the group.


September, 2005

Greenline, Redline, and Blueline are condensed into a single cluster called Redline.


September, 2005

Young joins the group.


July, 2005

Redline gets a new buddy called Blueline.


July, 2005

Selina makes semibullvalene - the first molecule synthesized in our labs and a physical organic classic!


June, 2005

Selina presents a poster describing her research at the 39th National Organic Symposium in Salt Lake City, UT (hey, is Dean wearing that same shirt again?).


June, 2005

Greg receives a Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship.


April, 2005

Ying and Greg present a poster and talk, respectively, describing their research at UCD's 16th Annual Conference on Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities.


February, 2005

Selina presents a poster describing her research as part of the Chemistry Department's annual Bradford Borge Weekend festivities.


January, 2005

Dan joins the group.


July, 2004

Matt and Ying join the group.


June, 2004

Dustin's outstanding teaching is recognized through a departmental teaching award.


April, 2004

Greg joins the group.


April, 2004

Pradeep and Dustin bring our second linux cluster - called "redline" - to life.


December, 2003

Dustin, Selina, and Rachael join the group.


November, 2003

Thanks to Pradeep's hard work and expertise, our linux cluster - called "greenline" - is up and running.


October, 2003

Mihaela and Pradeep arrive, leaving behind the snow of Ithaca as Dean did before them.


July, 2003

Dean is in Davis and has started to get things set up.