We gratefully acknowledge the following sources of research support:



National Institutes of Health, 1R35GM153469-01, PI: Dean J. Tantillo

"Understanding and Manipulating Biosynthetic Mechanisms for Formation of Terpenes Relevant to Human Health"



National Science Foundation, CHE-2350125, PI: Andrew Mitchell (Illinois State)

"RUI: Nitrogen as an Enabling Linchpin for Complexity-Building Based on (5 + 2) Cycloadditions"



National Science Foundation, CHE-2247836, PIs: Dean J. Tantillo, Ampofo Darko (Tennessee)

"Collaborative Research: Enhancing Chemoselectivity and Efficiency Through Control of Axial Coordination in Rh(II) Complexes: An Experimental and Computational Approach"



National Science Foundation ACCESS (Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Coordination Ecosystem: Services & Support) Grant of Supercomputing Resources, CHE230106, PI: Dean J. Tantillo

"Computations to Facilitate Collaborative Research: Enhancing Chemoselectivity and Efficiency Through Control of Axial Coordination in Rh(II) Complexes: An Experimental and Computational Approach"



National Science Foundation, CHE-2154083, PI: Dean J. Tantillo

"Pushing the Limits of Reactivity Principles for Organic Reactions"



National Science Foundation ACCESS (Advanced Cyberinfrastructure Coordination Ecosystem: Services & Support) Grant of Supercomputing Resources, CHE030089 (renewal), PI: Dean J. Tantillo

"Computations to Facilitate Pushing the Limits of Reactivity Principles for Organic Reactions"



National Science Foundation, CHE-2154430, PI: Daniel Romo (Baylor)

"Utility and Application of Unsaturated Ammonium Salts in Organic Synthesis"



National Institutes of Health, R35GM131885, PI: Reuben Peters (Iowa State); co-I's: Justin Siegel (UCD), Dean J. Tantillo

"Investigating (Di)terpene Biosynthesis"



USDA-NIFA/NSF AI Institute for Next Generation Food Systems (AIFS), PI: Ilyas Tagkopoulos (UCD); co-PI's: Justin Siegel (UCD), Dean J. Tantillo

"Creating a Better Food System by AI-driven Discovery of Bioactives in Food"



National Science Foundation Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) Grant of Supercomputing Resources, CHE030089 (renewal), PI: Dean J. Tantillo

"Mechanisms of Bioorganic and Organometallic Cyclization Reactions"



Academic Senate Research Travel Grant, UC Davis, PI: Dean J. Tantillo

"Travel to the Reaction Mechanisms Conference, Boulder, CO"



National Institutes of Health, U2C ES030158, PI: Oliver Fiehn (UCD); co-I's: Tobias Kind, Dinesh Barupal, Dean Tantillo, Lee-Ping Wang (all UCD)

"West Coast Metabolomics Center for Compound Identification"



National Science Foundation, CHE-1856416, PI: Dean J. Tantillo

"Dynamic Effects on Fates of Reactive Intermediates in Synthesis and Biosynthesis"



National Science Foundation Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) Grant of Supercomputing Resources, CHE030089 (renewal), PI: Dean J. Tantillo

"Mechanisms of Bioorganic and Organometallic Cyclization Reactions"



ACS Petroleum Research Fund, PRF# 60663-ND4, PI: Dean J. Tantillo

"Theoretical Studies of Photochemical Processes Leading to Polycyclic Hydrocarbons"



National Science Foundation, CHE-1800411, PI: Daniel Romo (Baylor)

"Utility and Application of Unsaturated Ammonium Salts in Organic Synthesis"



Mars, Inc., PI: Justin Siegel (UCD); co-I's: Bruce Hammock (UCD), Dean J. Tantillo

"Aflatoxin Remediation"



National Institutes of Health, 2R01GM076324, PI: Reuben Peters (Iowa State); co-I's: Justin Siegel (UCD), Dean J. Tantillo

"Biosynthesis of (Di)terpene Scaffolds"



National Institutes of Health, 1R01GM110017, PI: Marcey Waters (UNC); co-I's: Michel Gagne (UNC), Dean J. Tantillo

"Investigation of Latent Free Energy in Noncovalent Networks"



National Science Foundation Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) Grant of Supercomputing Resources, CHE030089 (renewal), PI: Dean J. Tantillo

"Mechanisms of Bioorganic and Organometallic Cyclization Reactions"



Academic Senate Research Travel Grant, UC Davis, PI: Dean J. Tantillo

"Travel to the 27th International Conference on Current Trends in Computational Chemistry (CCTCC), Jackson, MS"



National Science Foundation Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) Grant of Supercomputing Resources, CHE030089 (renewal), PI: Dean J. Tantillo

"Mechanisms of Bioorganic and Organometallic Cyclization Reactions"



National Science Foundation, CHE-1565933, PI: Dean J. Tantillo

"Modern Theoretical Carbocation Chemistry"



Academic Senate Research Travel Grant, UC Davis, PI: Dean J. Tantillo

"Travel to the 13th International Symposium on Macrocyclic and Supramolecular Chemistry (ISMSC), Quebec City"



National Science Foundation Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) Grant of Supercomputing Resources, CHE030089 (renewal), PI: Dean J. Tantillo

"Mechanisms of Bioorganic and Organometallic Cyclization Reactions"



France-Berkeley Fund, FBF #2016-0061, PIs: Dean J. Tantillo & Fabien Gagosz (Ottowa)

"Experimental and Theoretical Mechanistic Studies on Gold Catalyzed Organic Reactions"



National Science Foundation Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) Grant of Supercomputing Resources, CHE030089 (renewal), PI: Dean J. Tantillo

"Mechanisms of Bioorganic and Organometallic Cyclization Reactions"



Academic Senate Research Travel Grant, UC Davis, PI: Dean J. Tantillo

"Travel to Telluride Science Research Center (TSRC) meeting"



R. Bryan Miller Summer Fellowship, awarded to Nhu Nguyen



National Science Foundation Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) Grant of Supercomputing Resources, CHE030089 (renewal), PI: Dean J. Tantillo

"Mechanisms of Bioorganic and Organometallic Cyclization Reactions"



National Science Foundation, CHE-1361807, PI: Dean J. Tantillo

"Mechanisms of Complex Carbocation Rearrangements"



DOD Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), PI: Dean J. Tantillo; co-PIs: M. Baik (IU), U. Tambar (UT Southwestern), D. Wild (IU)

"PREDICTOR - Predictive REaction Design via Informatics, Computation and Theories of Reactivity"



National Science Foundation Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) Grant of Supercomputing Resources, CHE030089 (renewal), PI: Dean J. Tantillo

"Mechanisms of Bioorganic and Organometallic Cyclization Reactions"



Petroleum Research Fund, American Chemical Society, 52801-ND4, PI: Dean J. Tantillo

"The Fundamental Nature of Sulfur---Lone Pair Interactions"



National Institutes of Health, 1R01AI80931-01A2, PI: Jared Shaw, UC Davis; DJT as subcontractor

"Chemical Studies in Bacterial Cell Biology"



Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need (GAANN) Fellowship, US Department of Education, awarded to Stephanie Hare and Henry Wedler



Professors for the Future Fellowship, UC Davis, awarded to Henry Wedler



Academic Senate Research Travel Grant, UC Davis, PI: Dean J. Tantillo

"Travel to International Conference on Chemical Bonding, Kauai, HI"



Summer Graduate Student Researcher Award Program, UC Davis, PI: Dean J. Tantillo, awarded to Nhu Nguyen

"Award for Engineering or Computer-Related Applications and Methods"



U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency, HDTRA1-10-0030, PI: Michael Gagne, UNC Chapel Hill; DJT as co-PI (along with Marcey Waters, UNC Chapel Hill)

"Discovering Structured Peptide Catalysis by Reactive Tagging"



Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need (GAANN) Fellowship, US Department of Education, awarded to Ryan Pemberton



Academic Senate Faculty Research Grant, PI: Justin Siegel, UCD; DJT as co-PI

"Integrating Research and Education to Develop Novel Tools for Enzyme Engineering"



National Science Foundation Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) Grant of Supercomputing Resources, CHE030089 (renewal), PI: Dean J. Tantillo

"Mechanisms of Bioorganic and Organometallic Cyclization Reactions"



National Science Foundation, CHE-0957416, PI: Dean J. Tantillo

"Mechanisms of Complex Carbocation Rearrangements"



Summer Graduate Student Researcher Award Program, UC Davis, PI: Dean J. Tantillo, awarded to Phillip Painter

"Award for Engineering or Computer-Related Applications and Methods"



National Science Foundation Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) Grant of Supercomputing Resources, CHE030089 (renewal), PI: Dean J. Tantillo

"Mechanisms of Bioorganic and Organometallic Cyclization Reactions"



Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need (GAANN) Fellowship, US Department of Education, awarded to Brandi Hudson



UC MEXUS Dissertation Grant awarded to Osvaldo Gutierrez.



National Science Foundation Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) Grant of Supercomputing Resources, CHE030089 (renewal), PI: Dean J. Tantillo

"Mechanisms of Bioorganic and Organometallic Cyclization Reactions"



Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need (GAANN) Fellowship, US Department of Education, awarded to Jason Harrison



Petroleum Research Fund, American Chemical Society, 49119-ND4, PI: Dean J. Tantillo

"Transition State Complexation in the Design of Hydrocarbon Rearrangements"



National Science Foundation High-Performance Computing and TeraGrid Sites Grant of Supercomputing Resources, CHE030089 (renewal), PI: Dean J. Tantillo

"Mechanisms of Bioorganic and Organometallic Cyclization Reactions"



National Science Foundation High-Performance Computing and TeraGrid Sites Grant of Supercomputing Resources, CHE030089 (renewal), PI: Dean J. Tantillo

"Mechanisms of Bioorganic and Organometallic Cyclization Reactions"



National Institutes of Health, 1R56AI080931, PI: Jared Shaw, UC Davis; DJT as subcontractor

"Chemical Studies in Bacterial Cell Biology"



National Science Foundation CAREER Award, CHE-0449845, PI: Dean J. Tantillo

"CAREER: Reactive Intermediate Promoted Polycyclization Reactions"



U.S. Civilian Research & Development Foundation and Russian Foundation of Basic Research Cooperative Grants Program, 15616, PI: Dean J. Tantillo (co w/ V. I. Minkin)

"Semi-Sandwich and Sandwich Polyacenes and Non-Classical Organometallic Heteropolyacenes with Hypercoordinate Main Group Centers"



Dissertation Year Fellowship, UC Davis, awarded to Michael Lodewyk



American Chemical Society Organic Division Graduate Fellowship, awarded to Matthew Siebert



Summer Graduate Student Researcher Award Program, UC Davis, PI: Dean J. Tantillo, awarded to Rebecca Davis

"Award for Engineering or Computer-Related Applications and Methods"



National Science Foundation High-Performance Computing and TeraGrid Sites Grant of Supercomputing Resources, CHE030089 (renewal), PI: Dean J. Tantillo

"Mechanisms of Bioorganic and Organometallic Cyclization Reactions"



R. Bryan Miller Summer Fellowship, awarded to Michael Lodewyk



National Science Foundation High-Performance Computing and TeraGrid Sites Grant of Supercomputing Resources, CHE030089 (renewal), PI: Dean J. Tantillo

"Mechanisms of Bioorganic and Organometallic Cyclization Reactions"



Graduate Student Travel Award, UC Davis Graduate Council, awarded to Matthew Siebert



Summer Graduate Student Researcher Award Program, UC Davis, PI: Dean J. Tantillo, awarded to Michael Lodewyk

"Award for Engineering or Computer-Related Applications and Methods"



Summer Graduate Student Researcher Award Program, UC Davis, PI: Dean J. Tantillo, awarded to Young Hong

"Award for Engineering or Computer-Related Applications and Methods"



National Institutes of Health, 1R01GM076125, PI: Janis Louie, University of Utah; DJT as subcontractor

"Transition Metal Mediated Routes to Heterocycles and Carbocycles"



National Science Foundation High-Performance Computing and TeraGrid Sites Grant of Supercomputing Resources, CHE030089 (renewal), PI: Dean J. Tantillo

"Mechanisms of Bioorganic and Organometallic Cyclization Reactions"



Summer Graduate Student Researcher Award Program, UC Davis, PI: Dean J. Tantillo, awarded to Yong Hong

"Award for Engineering or Computer-Related Applications and Methods"



R. B. Miller Fellowship for Excellence in Chemistry, UC Davis, PI: Dean J, Tantillo, awarded to Selina Wang



Sloan Foundation Fellowship, awarded to Rebecca Davis.



National Science Foundation High-Performance Computing and TeraGrid Sites Grant of Supercomputing Resources, CHE030089 (renewal), PI: Dean J. Tantillo

"Mechanisms of Bioorganic and Organometallic Cyclization Reactions"



Summer Graduate Student Researcher Award Program, UC Davis, PI: Dean J. Tantillo, awarded to Matt Siebert

"Award for Engineering or Computer-Related Applications and Methods"



Petroleum Research Fund, American Chemical Society, 41257-G4, PI: Dean J. Tantillo

"Bioorganic and Organometallic Polycyclization Reactions"



National Science Foundation High-Performance Computing and TeraGrid Sites Grant of Supercomputing Resources, CHE030089 (renewal), PI: Dean J. Tantillo

"Mechanisms of Bioorganic and Organometallic Cyclization Reactions"



New Faculty Research Grant Program 2003-2004, UC Davis, PI: Dean J. Tantillo

"Facilitating Catalyst Discovery by Ab Initio Reaction Design"



National Computational Science Alliance (NSF Funded) Grant of Supercomputing Resources, CHE030089N, PI: Dean J. Tantillo

"Mechanisms of Bioorganic and Organometallic Cyclization Reactions"



National Computational Science Alliance (NSF Funded) Grant of Supercomputing Resources, CHE040005, PI: Pradeep Gutta (postdoc)

"Computational Study of the Cyclization of Farnesyl Pyrophosphate"



National Computational Science Alliance (NSF Funded) Grant of Supercomputing Resources, CHE040006, PI: Mihaela Bojin (postdoc)

"Supramolecular Stabilization of Biologically Relevant Nonclassical Carbocations"



National Computational Science Alliance (NSF Funded) Grant of Supercomputing Resources, CHE030042N, PI: Dean J. Tantillo

"Uncovering the Origins of Regio- and Stereoselectivity for Organometallic Reactions"